Pharma Company
Pharma Company
This content provides you with a sample Piping Fabrication and Erection Specification that is useful for field inspectors.
Piping Fabrication and Erection Specification
This specification covers the minimum basic requirements for various aspects of the above ground piping and in trench piping for the industrial plants as follow:
a) Shop and filed fabrication and erection of piping.
b) Installation of in-line instrument items like orifice flanges, control valves, rota meters, safety valves, etc.
c) Installation of items like line mounted filters, ejectors sample cooler, etc.
d) Installation of expansion joints.
e) Fabrication & erection of pipe supports including installation of spring supports, etc. both shop and field fabrication include cutting, threading, bending, welding, bolting, etc.
Administration of material certificates, welding operations and execution, administration of all destructive & non-destructive examination and all testing operations as required by the applicable procedure and standards.