Sulphur Filter

  • At the heart of every liquid sulphur melting and filtration plant, a filter is installed. In most installations, a liquid sulphur filter is used to remove impurities caused by both transportation and the reaction between Lime and Sulfuric Acid.The Sulphurnet Liquid Sulphur filters can be divided into three categories. The first of these is primary liquid sulphur filtration. Most often well-known filters such as the pressure leaf filter and self-cleaning candle filter are used for the primary filtration of liquid sulphur. These filters operate using a layer of precoat material to remove contaminants for the liquid sulphur stream and if implemented correctly, already give a satisfactory result for most liquid sulphur filtration processes.
  • The second type of liquid sulphur filtration categories is the liquid sulphur polishing. For this type of filtration, a liquid sulphur polishing filter is used. A liquid sulphur polishing filter is used in case even the finest of particles need to be removed. Most commonly the liquid sulphur polishing is installed directly after a primary liquid sulphur filter.
  • The third type of liquid sulphur filtration is coarse filtration. For some processes, fine filtration such as in the liquid sulphur filter and the liquid sulphur polishing filter is not required, but the removal of bigger particles is required. For these applications, Sulphurnet offers liquid sulphur stainers in various sizes.
  • Sulphurnet over the years has designed many liquid sulphur filters for various flows and solid loads.